3/23/2021 ZBA Meeting Notice
3/23/2021 ZBA Agenda
3/30/2021 ZBA Public Hearing (SunEast/Grassy Knoll) 6:00PM
3/30/2021 ZBA Public Hearing (ClearPath/Lapp) 6:30 PM
3/30/2021 ZBA Meeting Notice
Resolution Approving the Findings of Fact- ClearPath/Lapp
Specil Use Permit- ClearPath/Lapp
Findings of Fact-ClearPath/Lapp
Resolution approving the Findinds of Fact-SunEast/Grassy
Special Use Permit- SunEast/Grassy
Findings of Fact-SunEast/Grassy
4/20/21 Meeting Notice
4/20/21 Agenda
SunEast Flat Hill Solar Resolution
Diamond Mountain Mining LTD
6/22/2021 ZBA Meeting Notice
6/22/2021 ZBA Agenda
6/22/2021 SunEast Flatt Hill Resolution Area Variance
7/27/2021 ZBA Meeting Notice
8/10/2021 ZBA Public Hearing and Meeting Notice- BP Excavating
9/14/2021 ZBA Meeting Notice
9/28/2021 ZBA Public Hearing Diamond Mountain Mining
10/26/2021 Meeting Notice
11-9-2021 ZBA Public Hearing SunEast Flat Hill Solar Reg. Meeting to Follow
04/25/2023 ZBA Meeting -Area Variance
10-10-2023 Area Variance Zook/Jardina
12-5-23 Meeting Notice
12-19-23 Public Hearing Notice-National Grid
07-16-2024 Meeting Notice- Bell Atlantic Mobile Systems LLC d/b/a Verizon Wireless
11-12-2024 ZBA Meeting- Four Branch Farm, LLC Special Use Permit CANCELLED
11-26-2024 ZBA Meeting-Four Branch Farm, LLC Special Use Permit
03-11-2025- Public Hearing- Flat Hill Solar LLC, Grassy Knoll Solar KKC and Hills Solar NY LLC